At the webinar Senior IT Specialist will talk about the advanced functions of MS Excel which you can immediately start using in your daily work.
The expert will introduce you to the following tools:
In case of technical difficulties during a connection to the webinar from a computer, we recommend connecting from your mobile devices.
All materials are the intellectual property of SIBUR LLC.
At the webinar Senior IT Specialist will talk about the advanced functions of MS Excel which you can immediately start using in your daily work.
The expert will introduce you to the following tools:
In case of technical difficulties during a connection to the webinar from a computer, we recommend connecting from your mobile devices.
All materials are the intellectual property of SIBUR LLC.
{{ t.webinars.speakers }}
{{ t.webinars.duration }}: 2 hours
{{ t.webinars.duration }}: 2 hours
{{ t.webinars.venue }}: Online
{{ t.webinars.venue }}: Online
{{ t.webinars.broadcastLanguage }}: English
{{ t.webinars.broadcastLanguage }}: English
{{ t.webinars.dateTimeMoscow }}: 7 октября 2021 г. 10:00
{{ t.webinars.dateTimeMoscow }}: 07 October 2021, 10:00 AM
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{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
{{ t.registrationFormForTheTrainingProgram }}
Register for a training programme
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{{ t.feedbackForm.lowTitle1 }} «MS EXCEL: ADVANCED COURSE»! {{ t.feedbackForm.lowTitle2 }}
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